Release 0.7.0-beta
- A new Node section has been added, named: Advanced options.

- A new formatting named: Change Tonehas been added, this allows to take the draft, and change its tone and formality (e.g. a more aggressive tone, in a formal language).

- Specific settings have been added to some formats, e.g. the Add emoji now allows to choose the position of emojis, and how many emojis you want to include in the text.

- Significant improvements in the following prompts: condense,add emojiandimprove... offering more accurate and valuable results.
- Removed the "Expand idea"format, as it generated confusion and the results returned were not very valuable. We will consider adding it again in the future, applying considerable improvements to the final results.
- Improved the way Nodes are generated... dynamically calculates the position of the new node.
- Added a transition effect when a new node is born, avoiding the need to have to be reordering the Board, looking for the new node.